Friday 16 May 2008

What we can learn from a guitar player!

So what can a leader learn about success from a musician? 


"The Great One" in the guitar world - "Tommy Emmanuel" has these words of wisdom for us.

"The Guitarists 5 step program for success"

1. Get your life in order
2. Discover your vision for your life
3. Methodically work out the steps needed to take to achieve that goal
4. Eliminate negative people from your life or ignore them!
5. Do it - Determination and Dedication

Too bad this guy does not write Self Help books! But if you really want some inspiration watch him play Guitar boogie and you can see that he follows his advice!

Think that your life is about playing your tune. Now go play your tune and bring people joy!

Have a blast

Monday 5 May 2008

The Courage to Quit

As the inveterate CONTRARIAN I want to say that there is also great courage in quitting when it is right to do so. The problem is no one can tell you when to quit. You have to figure that out for yourself. A Coach can only help you make that decision, through some tough questions !

A friend and renowned Birkman consultant that I deeply respect, once told me this neat story. He had graduated with distinction with an MBA from UCLA and was doing doctoral work at LSE (The London School of Economics) when he decided to quit his doctoral program! Of course, everyone around him thought he was mad!!!!

Yet he knew deep inside and intuitively that scholarly pursuits were not what really turned his crank. He went on to have a great career working with people at MacMillan Bloedel and since then as a consultant and lives happily ever after, having made that courageous decision.

So make sure you can answer the WHY am I doing this question? If you don't know WHY then maybe it is time to be a quitter of things that don't serve you!!!

Go quit something that does not serve you today!  Whether its carbohydrates, a unfinished project, or a friendship that drains you. Be of good courage!

Friday 31 August 2007

When it has been been said before!

Sometimes as a leader and teacher its not wise to try to be too original. When someone else has said it well, then don't try to reinvent the wheel. Just give credit where its due and innovate elsewhere!

Here is one and let's give this person the credit!

Who said this? Think about it and let me know!

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

Plagiarism is when you don't give credit. When you do its called "research"!!!
