Wednesday, 6 June 2007

The Greatest Roadblock to Leadership Greatness

I don't have a choice. I am stuck. There is nothing I can do!

Have you ever tasted that whine? It does not go well with this any kind of cheese! The cheese starts to smell too! As a leadership coach, it's amazing how often I hear these words: "I don't have a choice!"

One of the most important attributes of humanity is the power of choice. Let me quote one of my favorites: “Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.” - Stephen R. Covey

We are choosers and we choose our way through life. Most of us have realized that we are not in control of everything that happens. Welcome to the world.

People are always, always, always able to choose their attitude no matter what the situation. It's the key characteristic that divides people who are victims and people who are triumphing. Whether you are Nelson Mandela on Robben Island, Anwar Sadat in Prison or Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi against the power of Britain, or whether you are at Starbucks trying to decide between a cappuccino and a mocha, you encounter choices everyday.

Sue Kenny, one of my Chutzpah advisors in Entrepreneurial School, told me the other day that this is the biggest roadblock to people moving forward in life. They are not aware that they have choices!

You are right, Sue Kenny... for awareness and especially "self-awareness is the breakfast of champions."

So what choices are there before you? For some, too many. Take the road less travelled!

Explore your choices, ask dangerous questions, engage in fierce conversations, investigate unknown territory, and tell yourself the truth. It is dangerous, but liberating!

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