Friday, 22 June 2007

Therapist or Coach!

Today some of us at a CTI workshop on coaching in Vancouver stopped to discuss coaching and therapy. I was reminded of an article on this touchy subject by Ron Crossland. Ron loves to challenge assumptions and take on taboos!

He is the consummate researcher and communicator. His experience and expertise at the Tom Peters Company and presently as Vice-Chair of Bluepoint Leadership Development, based in Cincinnati, Ohio has earned him the place to speak on this issue. When the Tom Peters Company re-imagined itself - Tom Peters, Boyd Clarke, Ron Crossland, and Gregg Thompson re-invented their company to better serve the corporate market for training and consulting services. The re-invention saw the launch of Bluepoint Leadership Development, a spin-off entity that focused purely on leadership development and communications. I highly recommend their newsletter that you can subscribe to when you click here.

Other coaches have let Ron know what they think! You can find those responses here.

If you found this article helpful let me know. Thanks!

1 comment:

Soni Cido said...

Thank you for the great resource. I love your sum-up of Mr. Crossland: "to challenge assumptions and take on taboos..."

This, will be, from this day forward my own life motto ;)
